German strategy and French offense

  • The battle of Verdun German strategy was that they were planning to make the French army have a heavy number of casualties so they could be easily defeated.

  • The French decided to attack once more to force the Germans back to their original positions of February 1916. On 11 December the French artillery fire started again and on 13 December the French advanced behind a rolling artillery barrage. The Germans clung on determinedly. The French losses were huge but finally the front broke.

  • The battle of Verdun was mostly a artillery battle and bottom sides used the same strategy.

  • Verdun is a small north eastern  in France surrounded by many forts, some big and some small forts

  • The way the French tried to push back the Germans was that their forts Dounaumont and Vaux were designed for destruction and were full of demolition charges so if the  Germans attacked they would active them.

  • On February the French halted the Germans advances only losing   fort Dounaumont.

  • Due to the French  begin able to hold back the Germans they’re was a slogan created “ Ils ne passeront “ which in English means they shall not pass.

  • Trying to take over Vurdan was exhausting for both side

Neither side won the battle but both having heavy numbers of casualties

Click on the pictures to see  the Battle in Action 


  • French had a estimate of 161,000 dead and 101,000 missing in action and 216,000 wounded
  • Germans had a estimate of 142,000 dead and 187,000 wounded

Cause of Battle 

  • Germany was determined to carry out the Schlieffen Plan, which was a plan to roundhouse kick France in the face to knock it down quickly, before the Russians were able to move. The Germans needed to be able to take down the Frances  forces to be able to get to Paris in a short amount of time. To do so, The Germans had to get through Verdun. Germany believed that the quickest way to stop France was to create a shortage in its resources, food, weaponry, and especially soldiers.  At the Battle of Verdun, German soldiers poured in and died for the main purpose to kill and destroy as many french soldiers as possible.